What We Do

Awahaehae Sign Unvieling

Awahaehae Sign Unvieling

Water Hui

Water Hui


  1. To provide regular reports back to CFRT on our budget to ensure finances are transparent
  2. To implement complete transparency for Whanau so you know what is happening
  3. To create opportunities for beneficiaries to participate


What’s happening with the money?
Presently funds are being allocated to research and hearings. Once settlement is made we’ll then liaise with the tribes and allocated funds accordingly.

What’s happening with my tribe?
View our Latest News page to see what’s happening or subscribe to our e-newsletter to get regular updates

How do I benefit?
Once settlement is made we’ll help provide health services, social, economic and education services.

Where do I go and who do I talk to?
Ask us a question here and we’ll contact you back as soon as we can pointing you in the right direction.

What events are coming up?
Click here to see our calendar of events

Who are our representatives and how is it structured?
Click here to find out more

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